Hey there friends, I do apologize for the long break from here. Wow things have been busy!
I have often thought about updating you all on here, but to be honest, there have been times lately where I just haven't felt like talking about anything.
I'll be very honest with you...life is not always super easy! Are you shocked? I didn't think so. For the most part, things are going great and I LOVE being a part of what God is doing in Lawrence and around the world through Eagle Rock Church and Warring Dove International. I love working in the office and out in the field doing some of the things that God has called me to do since before I was born!
I have had some adjustments to make in the past several months, though. I miss all of my Wellsville and WFWC people! It's always great getting to see you guys when I can! It has been quite an adjustment for me being away from my family so much...I miss them like crazy (especially all the kids)! And honestly, things happen. Life happens. And sometimes things happen when you least expect them to and you just have to do your best to keep going. I've had one or two of those types of obstacles recently. Hasn't been my favorite time, but God is still good and He's still on the throne and He loves me way more than I could ever know or imagine. Having that realization means I can get through anything!
There's a song that I heard on the radio that has been playing in my heart throughout the past several weeks. I'm going to try to put it here and make it work for you...let's see if it does!
I hope that song ministers to you like it has (and continues to do so) for me.
Anyway, so I am continuing to work for CLO (Community Living Opportunities) in order to attempt to fund the ministry stuff I am doing. I do enjoy it there and have MANY opportunities on a regular basis to minister while at work. God is so cool like that! I enjoy the people I work with and I feel very blessed to be in that particular job during this time.
It looks as though we are preparing to go back to Mexico in January. I'M SO EXCITED!!! I need to work on raising the money to get there. I believe I am going to need around $500, though it could be a little more or a little less, that is just my estimate. I have not had extra money running around, so saving for this will be a challenge, but it is DEFINITELY worth it! And hey, if you would like to help me to meet those goals, please let me know! I will be happy to answer any questions you might have (to the best of my ability) and I would absolutely LOVE to tell you all about my recent trip to Mexico if you'd like.
I hope that you are all doing well. Hey, I still exist. I still have the same phone number and email address. I still have facebook. So if you are reading this and you miss me, for goodness sakes contact me!!!
Love and life in abundance to you!